Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Traveling to Costa Rica

Some times it’s hard to get yourself to write, even when you really want to.  Even when you set aside time to write. 
When I was in Australia I didn’t find it to hard to set aside a little time in the evening to write about my adventures, but in Australia I was also almost always living in a stable home where there was an internet connection and a warm bed that I was accustom to.  On this trip to Costa Rica there has been a lot less of that down time.  Each day we have an adventure.  Maybe a small adventure, such as eating dollar mangoes and watching Caitlin practice Yoga at this sweet beachfront Yoga hut (I’m doing that right now).  Or maybe a big adventure, Like the time we crossed the boarder into Nicaragua with Derrick and found our selves in a crazy country that was celebrating their president and not to intent on helping us get around.  Each night there is no housing that is accustom, each night is a different bed with different walls around it and if we are lucky this bed and these walls come with WiFi and maybe even a small breakfast, but you can’t always count on it.  This is probably the best adventure of our trip.  The continual change of scenery and change of habitation and the idea that each morning you have no idea where you will lay your head at night.  These conditions are not conducive to writing a blog though ;) so I have to adapt the way I write.  The stories and adventures that come next have already happened to me, but that does not make them any more memorable or exiting to relive, and hopefully with any luck I will not forget any details that would make you miss out on everything I am doing.

Here’s to new ways of writing about adventures.
Pacific Sunset on the Catalina Islands

Leaf Cutter Ants from the Jungle

Even death breads new life in the Jungle

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