Monday, April 30, 2012

Peace and Flowers!!

This last weekend I had my first Hippie adventure with some friends from work!

We started it off with a tour of a Volkswagen car show in Bellevue, WA.  It was a good time, walking through the car park on campus and looking at all the collectable VW's from around the area.  There were  a lot of sweet slug bugs, luckily we swore off punching each other before entering the show ;), and old school campers that made me wish I was surf bumming in California!  Many of the cars looked really nice, with new paint jobs, and expensive upholstery and the like. I was informed by my friend Adam that there is also a new trend in car restoration appearing where people purposefully let their car rust, but not rust all over.  No, this is more like trendy jeans where you put a hole in the knee and some bleach stains on the butt and you can charge double :D.  The car restorers will "selectively" rust portions of their car to make it look more vintage.  The worst part is that it does look good!! Gaaa, I laughed at the pre-ripped jeans and bleached t-shirts, but deep inside I kind of want my next car to be pre-rusted...  just a little! :)
   After smelling old leather and unfiltered exhaust for a wonderful hour we headed up north near Mt. Vernon to the open skies and wonderful views of the Skagit Tulip festival which was a great way to finish up the weekend.
The Tulips they are growing up there are amazing.  Some of the prettiest Tulips I've seen.

As well as some of the strangest...
This Tulip is actually  meant to be tattered.  Its the strangest thing to see all these little Tulips that look like they have been artistically tattered just for the hundreds of people who are flocking through the rows of beautiful flowers.
Row upon row upon row of Tulips that makes you happy just to see all the wonderful colors. :D  Unfortunately the beauty of the colors does not extend to the smell.  The flowers may look brilliant and colorful, but they all seem to smell about the same.  Like soup!  It's not a bad smell by any means, but its not a flower smell either :(.  Here is a little of the wonderful beauty that we got to see though :).

And no day would be complete without a little treat at the end!  Adam, Kirsten and I were lucky enough to find a great ice cream shop with the greatest definition of "single serving" I've ever seen.

It was a wonderful day with some wonderful people and it only ended in a little tummy ache :).  couldn't have asked for anything better!

1 comment:

  1. wow! sounds amazing! Are these people you met in Seattle? work mates?

    I am very jealous of your ice creams. Reminds me of good ol' Ferdinand's Ice Cream at WSU. Mmmmm!

    and I'm Glad to see you are still blogging :)
